Land Contamination Specialist

West Sussex

map of west sussex
At Castledine Environmental, our expertise lies solving the issues of contaminated land conditions imposed on new developments via the planning process, covering all of West Sussex. Our proficiency extends to navigating and fulfilling contamination-related planning conditions associated with developments. Irrespective of whether you're a small to medium developer, a builder, or a private individual, our purpose is centred around fulfilling your conditions, thus getting your development to fruition. Our role, as your consultant revolves around halting the investigative process at the earliest - yet safest - juncture. Our approach encompasses desktop-based inquiries, intrusive investigations (both environmental and geotechnical orientated) involving drilling or excavation for samples and ground assessments, formulation of remediation strategies, and conducting verification inspections. We're always open to conversations and take pleasure in offering complimentary, practical advice and solutions for your concerns related to land contamination. Feel free to get in touch with us for an obligation-free quote.
castle by river

Contact Castledine Environmental

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Phone us:    01509 880399
WhatsApp:   01509 880399
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