Air Quality Assessment (AQA)

Castledine Environmental - Air Quality Assessments (AQA)

The impact of air quality is pervasive, with ample evidence highlighting its significant health ramifications, particularly on respiratory and cardiovascular health. Recognising this, legislative measures have been implemented, shaping both national and local planning policies. Consequently, local authorities frequently seek air quality assessments to inform planning decisions and environmental permit applications.

These assessments encompass three distinct types, each building upon the other. They begin with Baseline Air Quality Assessments, progress to Standard Air Quality Dispersion Assessments, and culminate in Air Quality Impact (Sensitive Receptor) Assessments. Additionally, all assessments include Construction Phase Dust Assessments, while developments within London also incorporate Air Quality Neutral Assessments.

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factory with fumes pumping into air
car exhaust fumes
power station chimneys

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