Phase 1 - Land Contamination Risk Assessment
Land Contamination Specialist
Our Phase 1 Reports are comprehensive and well-structured. They collate information from a range of sources (see below) and result in a Conceptual Site Model and Preliminary Risk Assessment. This then indicates whether a site has a credible risk of potential contamination. If not, the planning conditionj is satisfied. If a credible risk is present, we would then move to a Phase 2.
At Castledine Environmental we obtain information from a wide range of sources while producing your Land Contamination Risk Assessment. This includes from the British Geological Society (BGS), Government Archives, Departments and Datasets, the Environment Agency (EA), DEFRA, Public Health England, The National Coal Authority (NCA), the Ordnance Survey, Google Mapping, Bing Mapping, Local Authority records and datasets amongst many other sources. We will also obtain a Groundsure Location Intelligence Report for your site, which collates a great deal of this information into a concise, useful raw data package. While this is very useful for us, it does not always contain everything we require. As such, we will often use local knowledge, historical archives and any other relevant and useful information sources in producing your risk assessment.
This includes underlying aquifers, source protection zones for aquifers, abstraction licences (potable, groundwater, surface waters), groundwater vulnerability and soil leaching potential, nearby water courses (both above and below ground), discharge consents (i.e. discharges to controlled waters), permitted processes such as potentially contaminative sources to watercourses and any pollution incidents which may have affected nearby hydrological systems.
Permitted Processes/Pollution Incidents
This includes licenced discharge consents to protected waters, nearby contaminative industries such a radioactive substance permits, chemical works, pollution incidents to protected land, waters and air, any nearby Part 2(A) contaminated sites amongst other records.
This includes nearby landfills both past and present, any waste inputs into said landfills (if recorded) and any Environment Agency or Local Authority landfill records.
Including both bedrock and superficial geological records including records both on, under and nearby site, any nearby coal mining or non-coal mining related hazards and any potential risks from radon gas.
Mapping and Aerial/Satellite Imagery
In the course of producing our reports we will look at aerial, street view, satellite and historical mapping and imagery. This helps us to understand the site history, usages and any nearby potential sources of risk , pathways or contaminants.
Current Land Use
This includes nearby industries, commercial trade directories, infrastructure features such as electricity substations, former gas works, gas governors, petrol and fuel sites, and any present or past tanks, garages