Land Contamination Specialist

Operating throughout mid, west, and east Suffolk including vital areas like Ipswich and Babergh, our services are available wherever they are needed. We specialise in addressing land contamination and geotechnical concerns, with comprehensive expertise in the entire Phased Contaminated Land Investigation process, spanning from the inception of Phase 1 Desk Studies to the conclusive Phase 4 Verification. Our commitment includes providing you with no-obligation quotes, a clear and fixed costing structure, as well as free, understandable initial advice. Our services are meticulously crafted to aid small, medium and private developers at every stage of this journey. Whether you need a conversation or information, we are here to help. Explore our website further to learn more (an outline of the process.
Additionally, our expertise extends to tree surveys, ground gas risk monitoring and remediation, percolation / soakaway testing, flood risk assessments (FRAs), SuDs (Sustainable Drainage Systems) solutions, geotechnical and coal risk assessments and variety of other ground and contamination-specific investigations, and we also endeavour to provide cost-effective solutions to satisfy your current requirement.